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Emergency Kit

BSG Directors and Field Managers have delivered literally thousands of units of training to a broad spectrum of government and private sector groups. Our training packages can be delivered domestically or at a project site, regardless of where it is in the world.

All of BSG's training courses are interactive as we firmly believe in face to face training and audience participation in order to best prepare personnel for operations in challenging environments.

All BSG training is supported with course notes and literature. They can be delivered anywhere in the world and if required translated and delivered in a number of languages.

Our training capabilities include:

  • Religious, Cultural and Social Awareness Briefings
  • HET (Hostile Environment Training):
    • Personal Safety
    • Travel Safety
    • Man-Made Threats
    • Natural Disasters (if appropriate)
  • Counter K&R (Kidnap and Ransom) Training
  • Working with a security team
  • Pre-deployment checks, including visa and passport requirements
  • Health and Hygiene Briefing
  • Basic Life Support Medical Training
  • Incident Management for Team Leaders
  • Driver Safety Training

All of our courses can also be delivered in a Train the Trainer manner, empowering organizations to deliver their own cost effective training capability.